Olá! I'm a Brazilian-German designer based in Berlin. For the past 12 years, I've been practicing both as a design leader within medium/large companies and as a sole designer for startups. Currently, I'm a Lead Experience Designer at BCG Digital Ventures, building businesses for international organisations around the globe from different markets like FinTech, Health and Blockchain.
Prior to that, I led the product design team at relayr and helped it to grow to become one of the main players in the industrial IoT market and its acquisition by Munich RE. I played an important role scaling the product team, processes and setting up a healthy culture. Before that, I was the first design-hire at B2B Project-A startup, Kyto. I led all of Kyto's design output, from the platform to marketing materials, helping to scale the product team and processes.
Between 2015 and 2017, I co-founded two startups back in Brazil: TemFila?, a startup monitoring the waiting time in restaurants and any other businesses; and ezPark, a marketplace for home-owners to temporaly rent-out unused parking spots. In both startups, we worked together on all aspects of the product build, marketing and mobile apps.
Why do I leave the bed every morning? Exploring ways to leverage design and technology to create positive behaviour change. In my leadership style I try to empower other perspectives, practice mentorship, and develop a growth culture within the team. I believe in transparency, and knowledge sharing, giving enough opportunities and space for others to thrive.
Interviews & talks
BCG DV Europe Internal Conference - DV Hive
UX Crunch - Service Design
Berlin UX Designers Meetup
Awards & Nominations
relayr Impact Award (internal)
Immersive Film Festival Espinho, Portugal:
Nominating for the Fulldome Film “UM MENINO“
Festival de Cine Latinoamericano de La Plata, Argentina: Nominating for the Fulldome Film “UM MENINO“
Fulldome Festival UK, Leicester: Nominating for the Fulldome Film “UM MENINO“
Fulldome Festival Jena: Performance Award for
Some companies I worked with

Think Again
by Adam Grant

by David Epstein

by Rutger Bregman

Ruined by Design
by Mike Monteiro

Atomic habits
by James Clear

by Susan Cain

The Power of Habit
by Charles Duhigg

Radical Candor

Want to get in touch?
Drop me a line!

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